Friday, November 09, 2001

Now the moment you have all been waiting for...The conclusion of Mary, the scratchy throat goblin.

Ding Dong "Mary" is dead! Vitamin C finally decided to show up and kicked it oldschool of her. About time, there was a moment when I felt doomed to forever have this illness invading my throat. But alas, NEVERMORE! It was only for like a fragment of a second that I thought otherwise, cuz i mean i dont question the awesome power of Vit. C, only fools do that.

Speakin of Fools, good song: Loverfools by The Cardigans

Phrase O the Week: Its brought to you by me, call me what you will this is MY website afterall, so GET OFF MY BACK! Anyhoo...
(as I hug my notebook I comment)_It's DELIGHTful.

Big Event for me- I got picked to do a one min. monologue on a broadway stage for when my Oral Communications class goes to see Rent. I am so excited. Seeing that being on stage is something I want to make my career out of, its a big deal and really cool experience for me. Can't wait for Dec 6 to hit.

Thursday, November 08, 2001

And so last weeks Saga continues...

This Vitamin C super hero pill is taking a long time to form. I fear becoming too dependent on this Vit. C and actually being defeated, its crazy i know. I refuse to lose, that would be just plain wrong. I will not let this "Mary" ruin me!! She's going down, she's going down BIG TIME. I'll find her when she's sitting at the kitchen table reading the comics on a Sunday morning. Then I'll grab her by the throat and tell her she's got 2 choices. Either Shimmy, or DIE (dun Dun DUN). And because Mary cant shimmy, being a scratchy throat goblin and all, she WILL die. Mu-ha-ha (fades to black)

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Mary still raves havoc in my throat region. She will be defeated as Harry was. Vitamin C will soon collect enough energy to form a Mary Ass Kicking Entity. (envisions giant circular Vit. C tablet with golden glow). The name of this hero...(dramatic pause) Vitamin C-its not very creative, but what exactly did you expect from a pill. They arent what you'd call "honors material."

Lately I feel like dancing, not your usual shimmy, but an all out dance. Shake my groove thang, and get some fries to go with it.

The doors of opportunities are wide open, hopefully i wont hesitate to walk through them.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

This is what I would call and older article from the Colleen Times, old but still good.

I think "Harry," the devil who made his home in my stomache but was kicked out, has sent a friend to "chill" in my throat. I've been popping vitamin C like its my job so there is NO way I can be getting sick. So once again Harry strikes, only this time it's one of his friends- "Mary." Poor Harry has resorted to giving me a scratchy throat throught the power of Mary, the scratchy throat goblin for those who dont know her. Harry is just crossing the line now. I mean, I actually know he's responsible for the wave of hang ups plaguing the phone, I have caller ID. So now I must devise a plan to defeat this goblin. I'm alittle rusty in the goblinology so i might have to seek advice, but either way..Mary is going down...WAY down.

As for the mus-ak: It's official, I'm obsessed with Coldplay. I searched for new songs today and found 4 great songs. Man they are SO great its amazing. If you want to check out the newst songs they are; Animals, No more keeping my feet on the ground (a long title but its really good so dont discrimminate), For you, and Only Superstition.

In the latest news: The "less fortunate" are becoming a big pain in the arse. At the rate I'm going with all these food drives in every Fing class, i'll be at a soup kitchen for thanksgiving. (shakes fist)

Sunday, November 04, 2001

Why is "Cup Noodles" called that? Why not Cup O Noodles. Were they that lazy that they couldnt even slip an "o" between the name. Or maybe the company is too far in debt so they cant afford more ink to print out an "o". Maybe they could hire some elves to write an "o" between the words, under pay them, give em no insurance, beat them, make em cry. Elves are good for that kind work, and they dont complain..well, to your face anyway, cuz they gots no wherez else to go. Santa is laying off a lot of workers..and elves got to feed themselves.
But anyway, without the "o," Cup Noodles is like a fragment of a sentence...if cup noodles WAS a sentence that is. But a sentence needs a verb and all...WOW I'm a HUGE nerd.

Coldplay is my love