Friday, June 14, 2002

This is really early to have a Phrase O Da Week. As such, I will let this be a potential candidate for it. As of now it's in the semi's as a Quote of the Day. If anyone dares to say anything I find more amusing that the words from Liz Rivalsi's lips...then they shall win. The competition is fierce.

"i hate naps, no matter how fufilling they are."

Go ahead. Try to beat that. I DARE you.

I also have this:
"oh god my mom is talking to parker, asking if he needs a belly rub. am I asked? hell no."

note: Parker is my dog.

Saw Ben Folds last night. Freakin Rocked...the suburbs...OH SNAP! It's funny cuz thats a song of his. But it was really cool seeing that it was just a guy and a piano. Oh the things that can be accomplished....

I got home at 2am. Woke up at 6:30am. I know it makes you say, why? Cuz it was the last day o school. Yes, I'm a nerd and wanted to go in. Although I did come home 8th and slept. Glorious naps. Iz awake, for now anyways.

School is basically over since I have Senior Day on Monday. It's weird. It hasnt hit me at all. It's just like last year so far. Although I know Senior Day is gonna freakin kick some arse and then it will start to hit me. But I probably wont show it. Graduation I'm feeling happy about. Yes, I'll miss people. But people come and go throughout life. And life isnt going to let you stop and hold onto all of them. But I know I'll see the important people again. Maybe not as much as I'm used too. But I just know I will and thats no reason to cry.

5 bucks says I eat my words. There is potential for tears.

Yo, I'm out of this one. PEACE!!
i'm goin back to ma farm.

Monday, June 10, 2002

You dont realize how early it is when you are in school. It's 4th period, half my day is over and what time is it? 10:20 am. On a sat. this whole awake thing wouldnt be happening right now.

My hand is going to fall off. It's all cut up from scoopin' like a mad-man yesterday at work. The line was out to Guam. A constant line=constant hell. Actually, it wasnt that bad. My mood went from stressed out to insanity because being insane is more fun.
But as if cuts werent hideous enough, I burnt my hand on Friday on the freakin toaster oven. All I wanted was half an egg roll, and you know what I got?! A scar that is going to RUIN my wedding pictures!!

note: We got a new toaster the very same day...all it takes is a burn and you're gone in the Evanson household. So all you toaster ovens out there bes be checkin dat. I dunno what that means.

Today I listened to people in their convos and would write down phrases I found amusing. I entitled it Fun With Quotes. Some might sound totally obscure but I think you'll get a kick out of them.


I'm gonna eat your children, and I'm gonna eat their hearts! - Andrew Hartman

Ga-Zionk - Ms. Ogazalek

I actually have to pee really bad. - Heather Gerkins

It's just a cannibalistic appitite. I dunno what's the big deal. - Andrew Hartman

I don't want to be quoted. [as I write it down]..jerk. - Heather Gerkins