Friday, May 02, 2003

I saw X-Men 2 this afternoon. Oh boy, I'll be seeing that again. Afterwards we had to take a bus back to town and we wasted time by figuring out what our mutant powers would be. Except you had five seconds to think of it so it would be something pretty stupid; no flying or invisibility. I immediately thought of Gas because I am always burpin' n such. So I throw my burps and they can capture bad guys for a certain amount of time depending on the burp power. Also inside the bubble it smells like whatever I just ate and if its powerful enough they pass out. Plus, I can go inside my own burp bubbles and it will protect me. However, no gassy food or someone slips me some Bean-o and I aint got no pow-ah.
I am really excited about this actually and I hope somehow I get this power. However, since I am not a mutant yet, I think it can happen in my dreams.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

It's SO nice outside today. And where am I? Inside my room, looking out the window and wishing I was just laying on the grass outside. Only my building in on the roof of the dining hall so I couldnt lay on grass, I'd lay on rocks. Walking to the grass involves...well, walking. So I stay indoor like a good irish person. No sunburn for me. Yay for no skin cancer!

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

There were two things I was going to write about, but I can only remember one. And of course it has to do with poop. However, this time I wasnt talking I over heard it.
I'm in my storytelling class when this kid says, "Why do people say 'Taking a shower or taking a sh*t? You don't take anything. You leave it. It should be that you are leaving a sh*t." Well put.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Today on the way to lunch Dana and I thought that since this college cost mucho dinero ($) to go here that they need to give us a perk. Dana suggested a magic flying carpet. I agreed excitedly. I think it would be perfect. She then said or a monkey. Now here is the problem, you would prob have to feed the monkey, it could throw poop at you, what if they gave you a big gorilla instead of a cute little one? There is far more room to be disappointed with a monkey. And you could say well, what if the magic flying carpet didn't fly? I say, at least you got a nice rug. Assuming it's nice. But it's practical still.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Again my contacts were not being cool. I dunno what happened. We were all cool and then suddenly not. Maybe the new one read my last blog post and got mad and told the other one about it. Then the new one twisted my words and made it sound like I was saying the other contact was fat and that I was only using it so I could use it's pool. Its not true other contact, I swear. You are slim and you look great in those low riding jeans. Please be my friend again.

(Studio audience goes, "Awww...")

Sunday, April 27, 2003

My left contact is acting up. First it's being annoyingly blurry so I can see but it's slightly hazy and no matter how much or hard you blink it doesnt change. So I tried to put some drops in my eye figuring it was a little dry. Nope, not good enough. So I take it out, rub it a bit with solution. Nope contant wants more. So I go ok "Screw you!" take it out and throw it in the trash. I get a new one, put it in. Everything is going great, we're getting along, sharing stories, laughing. Then...WAM! Contact says, "Hey I want to be annoying too! I'm going to make you think there is something in your eye."

Not cool Mr. New Contact...not cool.