Friday, November 15, 2002

Check it out, I got it this time. Check at the end of the site. These are pictures that came up when I searched for Oldschool and Kick
Behold! Pictures!

I hope this worked...otherwise I'll feel like a jerk for giving you false hopes.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Quote O the Day:

Finally Jules says something funny! She claimed to take on other people's identities today so when she asked Sudhanshu to call her something sexy and he suggested Lactiad Lady, which is MY SN, she shouted out:

I'm totally taking over your life!

She looked me in the eyes and I was scared. Scared for my life, which was being taken over by some crazy asian.

Daily Shout Out!
To: Ma Pops
Why: Check this out. After reading my site about the whole gay incident he sent me this:

Pros and Cons(about not changing):

Pros: The knowledge that you maintained your individuality and made a personal statement.
Con: Your statement may be misinterpreted at a 60-40 rate!
Pro: Don't take as long as mom to get ready.
Con: Still have to wait for mom to go anywhere!
Pro: Don't have to get up earlier to get ready for school.
Con: May look like you didn't get up early enough for school!
Pro: Keep some of your public guessing.
Con: Keep some of your public exchanging rumors!

Go Dad!

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Blank Stare.

Yeah so I have nothing to report. Oh wait. I lied. Oh I'm so devious. I'm such a liar. Me pants on fire. But back to the point. Last night I watched more than half of South Park the movie. It's so hilarious. At one point this counselor guy tried to get the kids to stop cursing through a song and dance routine. So he tells them instead of ass say buns, like kiss my buns or you're a buns-hole. Buns-hole. Now there is a word for you. I ask for you to go out into the world and spread the joy and love of buns-hole. Teach the children!

Now you sir, are a buns-hole.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Quote o the Day:

Rob Flack drew I nice long line of black ink along my foot in psychology. Immediately after I turned to him and with a straight face said:

That is garbage.

This is what I heard today:

"We didn't know. There was a 60-40 that you were gay. Because of...what you wear. You know like sports clothes."

My reaction: WHAT!? Yeah, that's right. The people of Quabble dont know if I'm gay or not. I told one of them today that I wasnt as I laughed and said wow. I had NO idea that anyone would think that because I dress in sport clothes I am gay. This blows my mind. I asked around, and other people though I had the potential to be gay. It's hilarious. I never ever thought anyone would think I was because of how I dressed. But then I factored in the fact that I openly burp in public, talk about poop, watch and talk about sports, dont really talk about girly things like hair or guys, always wear sneakers, and then there is the whole funny women thing. There are a bunch of gay female comedians. So I can understand. But it's the weirdest feeling.

I'm thinking I will tell half the people on Quabble that I'm gay and half that I'm not. OR I'll randomly call everyone on it since they seem to have discussed this before and be like...You guys think I'm gay. See their reactions. I'm just such a crazy lesbian.

Sunday, November 10, 2002

More poop stuff:

Lactaid Lady: would you ever eat poop?
Lactaid Lady: i mean, what if it was wrapped in a hot dog bun
ProudestMonkYgus: does it involve money
ProudestMonkYgus: how much poop and how much would i be gettin
Lactaid Lady: no money
Lactaid Lady: we're talking about survival
Lactaid Lady: you're starving and all you have to eat is poop in a hot dog bun
ProudestMonkYgus: hmm.
ProudestMonkYgus: i'm sure there's other things i could eat. like leaves/plants
ProudestMonkYgus: where the hell would i be starving alone where the only thing to eat is poop and a hot dog bun?
Lactaid Lady: you've been taken hostage and they leave you alone in a white room
Lactaid Lady: and they only leave hot dog buns with poop for you
ProudestMonkYgus: why is the room white? why can't it be like purple?
ProudestMonkYgus: scoop the poop out. i'd rather smell the poop than eat it. and eat the buns
ProudestMonkYgus: that's my answer
Lactaid Lady: then you lose
Lactaid Lady: and you die
Lactaid Lady: cuz the people watching you will shoot you
ProudestMonkYgus: oh well
Lactaid Lady: they want you to eat the poop
ProudestMonkYgus: then i fail

A shame...

An insightful convo:

Lactaid Lady: you college has made me more accepting and open about farting
ProudestMonkYgus: i love farting
ProudestMonkYgus: i just do it
Lactaid Lady: i fart on people now
ProudestMonkYgus: that's the best. actually no, that's not the best.
ProudestMonkYgus: the best is farting on your dog.
ProudestMonkYgus: that is the best.
Lactaid Lady: i must try that
Last night after seeing Punch Drunk Love, Kate, Jessica, Jeremy and I sat around in our dorm hallway. No one really want to go to sleep yet and no one really wanted to watch another movie or just sit and watch tv. So then I got this idea what we should lay down in the hall and block people from getting past. So I convinced people to actually do it. We laid all together and hid our faces as we laughed histerically at people's reactions.

Some highlighted reactions include:

This is bullshit!
Why are you pretending to be asleep?

And of course the best reactions came from people trying to solve our riddle. You see, after awhile of doing this we figured it would be funny if we had a riddle to go along with it. So we picked: If a peach comes from an apple, then where are all the bears today?

The best thing was people trying to really make sense of it, because I just made it up. Jeremy provided the answer of Kosher Dill Pickle. It was great. People really wanted to figure it out and we used the Hot or Cold hint method and then moved on to grunts. I want to try to get a whole bunch of people to do this somewhere like a supermarket. How great would that be?!