OK OK it's a day late. Get off my case! Now without further a due I give you the highlights of my Baja California, Mexico Road Trip.
Quick back story for those unaware I recently went down to visit my second cousin, Joe who is 65+ but more active than people my own age. He also has taken on the name Baja Joe and is rocking a beard, ponytail, and pierced ear. What was to be a long weekend became a 20 day stay, for which I def didn't bring enough clothes. Three days in I was invited to join him and his posse of retired folk on an 8 day road trip through Baja. This is my story...
- Convincing myself that perhaps I can squeeze in a quick jog in the morning. I mean, we were getting up at 6am to leave by 7:45am, I could TOTALLY do it. And then morning came and I was all, "screw that."
- Polishing off the last remaining perishable items in the fridge. Tuna casserole by 6:30am, mistake? Probs...
- Our traveling crew was 16 people strong, divided up into 5 cars. I was riding with my cousin, Baja Joe in the back seat of an SUV with his english wife Lindsay and their decent sized dog named Chewy (short for Chewbacca) who decided to take up most of the back seat. Thankfully he is adorable, especially with his fancy lion mane haircut. (Lindsay blamed him for farts but we all know the truth)
- At one point we vered off the main highway to take a "shortcut" on this narrow and often bumpy dirt road. About 15 minutes in Lindsay commented about how much it would suck if we had to turn around and go back because we were going the wrong way. Not 5 minutes later, that's exactly what we did.
- Trying to not be the first one for a pee break. You'd think the age gap would dictate the odds were with me: 27 vs 60+ but it turns out I have a small blatter. Why did I have to drink so much water yesterday?!
- Negotiating with self how long I think I can hold it, hoping someone else will have to go, realizing there isn’t enough shrubbery to hide me from going on a hilltop where the guys can go, watching gas stations and stores going by and thinking of all the bathrooms inside. Then trying to play it cool when we stopped. "Yeah I guess I'll go, since we're stopped."
- The landscape changing from desert to such green it looked like Ireland. Not that I've actually been there but I assume it's like this, only with more leprechauns and empty Guinness cans.
- Going to bed by 9:30pm, waking up thinking it was 1am, checking my phone and feeling even lamer when I learned it was only 10:40pm. In my defense, there is really nothing else to do without the internet or TV readily available and I can't play on my iPhone without it costing a ba-jillion dollars. (cue the smallest violin)
- Sleeping in a camper with a couple named Suzi and Phil and trying not to fart too loud since I KNOW they are still awake and can hear me.