Thursday, July 10, 2003

Dear Diary,

Today I called my mom a crazy ho.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Last night I killed AT LEAST 5 mosquitos....with my bare hands.
Call me the ASSASSinator.
Killing's the game.
Mosquitos suck.
Suck your blood.
And I kill them.
As my revenge.
I think that this is too long.
Too many sentences after another.
Now it's being forced.
And I feel awkward.
Like a convo that should end.
But doesnt.
So you wanna get a cup of coffee?
Yeah, me neither.
Dont like coffee much.
I gotta go.

When I was little I had a speak and spell. You could type in a word and it would say it. Naturally we tried to get it to say things like Ass or Sh*t, but failed. It seemed to be one step ahead of us. However, there was one word which worked in every day speech that provided us with amusement for hours. One Word....BUT
And when I typed in BUTT, it would double up on the T sound.
Thank you Speak and Spell.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

This is in my profile but I find it rather amusing so since I am too lazy to think of my own witty or seemingly "funny" thing to say I will have someone else do the work for me. But I can't be busted for plagerizing since I will use quotes. Ha-HA! You lose, anal retentive english teacher. (that's assuming I didnt misspell anything....which i doubt.)

"Let me tell you doing nothing is not as easy as it looks. You have to be careful. Because the idea of doing anything, which could easily lead to doing something, that would cut into your nothing...and that would force me to have to drop everything."
-Jerry Seinfeld

Monday, July 07, 2003

I fordot about this. Enjoy!

GDspunkyduck: so yesterday my neighbor comes over and wanted me to teach her how to use her new digital camera binoculars
Lactaid Lady: since you are an expert
GDspunkyduck: she is gonna like spy on them for god knows what
GDspunkyduck: well she slike pushing 65
GDspunkyduck: and has no idea
Lactaid Lady: lol
GDspunkyduck: so i like read the directions to her slowly
Lactaid Lady: what a scene
GDspunkyduck: yea the best scene is her in her dark house watching this poor innocent family
Lactaid Lady: lol
Lactaid Lady: crazy old bitch
GDspunkyduck: well i have to watch out cause her bedroom window looks into mine
GDspunkyduck: she might be a crazy old bitch watching me undress now