DAY 9: The road less traveled
- In the morning I woke up to a beastiality joke. From Phil! It finally happened. It took over a week but his sass came out. And when it did, I had to tell him not to get fresh.
- Later in the morning I was getting dressed in the camper, and once I was done Phil opened the door without knocking. So I took the chance to be sassy back exclaiming, "What if I had no shirt?!" He paused. Then closed the door. It's like I've known him for years now...
- Before we hit the road I ate the last of my pre-made fruit salad. We started traveling back to San Felipe. After about an hour I started to get hungry but I was in the car now, not by the camper. There was a bag full of our remaining cookies up on the dashboard. It was only like 7am at that point. I decided to wait, we should be stopping soon and then we'll all eat. Well that passed. My body reached that threshold where it gives up on me feeding it and stops feeling hungry. That lasted about 15 minutes until it returned with revenge. I stared at the bag of cookies that seemed to mock me. Knowing full well I'm so hungry at this point I will destroy the whole bag once I start and there are two witnesses. I had an ongoing debate in my head. "Do I eat them now? Should I wait for real food? Cookies are real food. Kinda." We wound up stopping shortly after and I was able to eat some non cookies. But them cookies did get eaten later, that is fo' sho'.
- We detoured away from the group, going rogue again, to this town near Ensenada called La Boofadora. It was here that it happened. The thing I was looking forward too the entire trip to Mexico. I finally had, the best fish tacos I've ever tried. Here in this almost "Island's Burgers" franchise like building was where it all went down. For me, it's all about the hard taco. For Suzi it was all about the Pina Colada before noon.
- We stopped to gas up and it was there I noticed the Boston Red Socks hat on Suzi and Phil's dashboard. They are from Maine so it makes sense, but as a native New Yorker raised as a Yankee fan that enbroydered B makes them my sworn enemy. But enemies can work it out, like in West Side Story or Romeo and Juliet, minus the knife fight and suicide. But Suzi and I agreed we were proof the two can get along as long as baseball doesn't come up. Then, she's just dead wrong. About everything.
- There's this strip of stores in The Boof. I got a front row seat of Suzi in her element: Bargin Shopping. Truly a wonder to behold. She goes, "how much?" The guy tells her a price, doesn't matter what it is. She retorts, "No. It's too much." And walks away, like a champ. They follow. It's what my Aunt taught me to do with car dealers only I just don't have the stomach for it. Suzi did get a free bottle of pure vanilla extract out of it. The salesman was impressed by my limited Spanish. It made me feel good until I realized it was all a ruse. So yes, please, tell me more about these "Waches & much more!!" you are advertising.
- There's this thing they call "The Blowhole." At first I thought it was a joke but it ain't! People stand around this part of the coast where the water hits a wedge in the rocks and underneath is a dead ended cave. The water comes in, goes under, and shoots back up, sounding like a blowhole. Hence the name. Check it:
- At one of our military check points Suzi got out to walk my BF Paco. I look one second, she's up. I turn, and look back, she's gone. Or rather, on the ground. Randomly falling is kind of dangerous as you get older but I still find it rather hilarious and thankfully so did she.
- So there are these junk yards all over this town, except there isn't a word for junk in Spanish so they kind of created one that SOUNDS like junk and it's spelled, "Yonke." For some reason I found this utterly amusing and couldn't help but giggle every time we passed one, the humor was only elevated when both Phil and Suzi would continue to yell, "YONKE!" as she drove past.
- We also passed by some rocks with Jesus on them AND this. You know, mixing it up.
- Back home at Baja Joe and Lindsay's I soon discovered - wait I have 4 bags of rocks and shells? That can't be right.
- That night I watched my first ever full episode of Dancing With the Stars with Lindsay. At first thought it would be dumb. Cut to: end of the show and I'm all, "When is Kristy Ally coming on? I want to see how fat she is!"
Overall, the trip was amazing and I could blame my procrastination of not finishing the last day summary for well over a few months on the idea that I didn't want to admit it was over, but to be honest I was working on other writing project I had put off for an even longer amount of time. So don't hate.
But now I'm back on track and as my travel buddy Suzi often stated:
"Someday isn't a day of the week."
It's a good motto to live by.