I recently decided that if I happen upon a magic lamp at any point in my life (hopefully the near future) and rubbed it to discover much like Aladdin (my all time fave Disney movie) that there was a genie inside who granted me three wishes, my answer would be:
1. I wish to become a Jedi, including power, robes, and REAL lightsaber - none of that Spencer's Gift stuff that runs you a 100 bucks.
2. I wish you to be free - I've seen enough stories about magic lamps to know they want to be free and will be so grateful for the freedom and in turn slip me more wishes done as more of a favor. After all they are indebted to me. Either that or freeing them gives me a crazy high amount of Good Karma points, which are always good to have.
3. Nothing else.
I'm assuming once I'm a Jedi I'd look a little something like this: