Friday, August 16, 2002

Driving around in my automobile: Today while driving on the VERY crowded Portion Road I saw this woman who had part of her skirt hanging out of her door. It made me giggle.
Plus: I got an idea for custom made horn noises. Mine would be a fart. A farting car horn. Its genius.

I go to Jones Beach in about an hour and a half.

Oh and dont fordet.

Make your way over to Ralph's FAMOUS Italian Ices for
Get To Know Your Boss Better Day.
plus its my last day and I want a BILLION dollars in tips from you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Last night I watched Ghost for the first time. Some consider that a crime.
In my late night movie watching mood that I currently find myself in, I watched and pretended I was demi moores character for a moment and silent tears poured down my face.

That movie made me want to act.
I miss my improv class.
I could be anyone. And it felt so good.

In other news: Last night I saw a little bit of cops and this po-po kept telling the guy who was under arrest that his dog would bite him. I think the guy lives alone and talks to his dog. Its just not normal to be THAT insistant that your dog WILL bite someone. Ma dawg!

I read a new website today. One thats been around most of the year and I never knew about. I read it now and its amazing. Most of the things I am aware of and others I had no idea. I'm sorry.
I wish I knew more.
I wish I wasnt stuck in the Colleen Mold all the time. Like I have to be this stereotype that only exists in my head.
I wish I could cry in front of you.
I wish I was a better person.
I wish I was always there for you.

I wish too much.

I'm a WIP

you know, i love you.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Yeah so I saw Alan Rickman on Sunday.
What's up now?!
If you dont know who he is it's ok. I just wont talk to you anymore you. How do you like them apples?

Anyhoo I had some weird dream and the po-po were in it. Appearently I was part of this group of kids who played this big joke at waldbaums - I think, it was either there or the school. And then someone called the fuzz on us but they didnt know who pulled the prank so we evaded them. But at one point I was almost caught. Oh and it was raining. I dunno what the deal is with that? When does it EVER rain.
note: po-po and fuzz are slang words for police

There's NO time! AHHH
I feel like summer is running out of time too soon and I cant do all the things I was hoping for. RATS!

PLUS: Freakin' Kazaa doesn't work anymore on my computer so I deleted it and now have to download something new. How annoying is that? I bet those commies are behind this.