Thursday, November 18, 2010

By the time Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out tomorrow, I will have already seen it twice.

Is that a Gryffindor scarf? Yep, I'm a nerd. But what do you expect? Am I really going to turn down an advanced screening of the movie a week before it comes out even if I have to wake up at 7:30am on a Saturday to get in to see it AND even after I've already booked my tickets to see it at midnight?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This morning I was going through my usual routine of news websites so I can pretend I'm knowledgeable thanks to skimming headlines. I'm not sure what's worse, looking at a site with tons of new and then off to the side seeing these stupid fluff pieces on Best Worst Police Photos OR the fact that I always read those first, despite myself.

Today my curiosity was peaked with I saw this photo:

Suffolk County is where I'm from on Long Island. I've been told by friends who have family within the unit, they refer to that section as "The Country Club." You know how HARD life is in mostly white upper-middle class suburbia. The best part about this photo to me is that I'm pretty sure this happened to the 7-11 around the block from my house.

Long Island, represent! 631 in the house!