Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let's take a second to examine the phrase, "the greatest thing since sliced bread." According to my Google search it was first sold in 1928. I dunno about you but I think we've come up with greater things since then. Like ice cream sandwiches and it's spin off the chipwich.

Now I'm sure you're thinking, "Colleen, you ALWAYS talk about ice cream sandwich concoctions! Get a new default." You know what, have you ever had a custom made chipwich? If not, then promptly shut your mouth.

But not all great things have to be food specific, though another good argument can be made for pretty much ANYTHING Red Velvet flavored to beat sliced bread (unless we're talking about a sliced loaf of red velvet bread). Since 1928 we've invented a lot, including, but not limited to:
  • TV
  • Air Conditioning
  • Contacts (later glasses!)
  • Hot Tub (time machine variety included)
  • or better yet - how about - oh I dunno, THE INTERNET?!
Then of course you can jump into the blackberry and iPhone craze. Which can then be rounded out by The Snuggie. I think we should all start referring to things as the "greatest thing since The Snuggie." Let's raise our standard of innovation up beyond slices of bread because when you think of it, that's not really that impressive. But a blanket that fits you like a robe without the hassle of tying it shut?! That's genius!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

UPDATE: Red Velvet Hot Chocolate!

I got a taste of this bad boy from Coffee Bean today. Basically - this is going to be a problem for me. It's like a melted red velvet cake. Of course it's delicious. And so I write them the following...

Dear Coffee Bean,

Thank you for the red velvet hot chocolate addition to your menu. You have succeeded in making me think about going inside EVERYDAY now - not to "write" like all those other unemployed writers/poser hispters but to purchase said item. It's delicious. On that note, please don't send me anything free in the mail as a token of your appreciation. As you already know the holiday season is upon us and that means too much food in general. The last thing I need is ANOTHER treat that is readily accessible.

I'm from the mindset that you can eat what you want and run it off. Eating healthier does help but let's just say I'm gonna be running a lot the next few months. Do you think you could perhaps create some kind of obstacle course for those who want to order the Red Velvet Hot Chocolate? That way we can all feel like we earned it. I'm sure there is room in the parking lots. I'd appreciate that. But please, no hurtles as I'm too small for that ish.

Sugar Coma-ly yours,

Monday, November 08, 2010

Coffee Bean is trying to kill me. Steal my money and kill me with diabetes. The best part is, I don't even like coffee! So what do they do? They hear about my love of all things red velvet and they create a red velvet hot chocolate drink (pictured on the left). Then they promote it as being $1 tomorrow - knowing I'm a cheapskate and will spend the $1. They are banking on me becoming addicted. Honestly, if it's truly magical I'm not sure I could stop myself. Their website currently describes it as:

"A decadent, creamy treat that is a combination of rich dark chocolate and refreshing peppermint."

I'll probably ask if I can get it without the peppermint because it's just going to get in the way.

Speaking of addictions, my friend Susan Kraus made me acknowledge, though I am fully aware, that I'm currently addicted to anything pumpkin flavored. But as I told her, it's seasonal. I only get to eat the pie/fro-yo/bread/latte/scone/whatever for 2 months out of the year. So basically, it doesn't count.

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Fat Kids
"We may be fat but we're harder to kidnap."