Saturday, January 10, 2004

check out ma new pics....scroll down!
First of all I must give a Massive Shout Out to the one and only Sundstroms. Not only was Friday night full of witty banter, but cake as well. And you can never go wrong with that.

They voiced their concerns about my site and the lack of updates. They were worried for Oldschool's health. It appears I haven't spend enough time with it and it's been turning to the streets for comfort. So now I will only go to work for half days and make sure I cook at least one meal a week that isn't instant mac and cheese. And I'll also quit drinking and selling drugs out of the back of my car. It's a real nasty habit.

Also today I discovered the beauty of VH1's Super Secret TV Formulas. It's like so many of VH1's programs...a clip show where comedians say funny things about cheesy/bad/iconic shows. And here they have the wonderful landscape of 70 and 80s sitcoms. I recommend to people of all ages. Although I must say, what is the deal with plugging their website? I was suckered into checking it out and to be honest, it's not THAT great.

VH1's Overall Colleen Rating: Four Sugar Cookies

**Scale based on Five Sugar Cookie Scale**

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Sorry old friend. Here's what happens....

I wake up around 12, eat a bagel, watch tv, take a shower, hop online, check my email which is mostly full of excellent morgage deals for me - you know since I have that house n all. Oh and sometimes there is this way for me to loose all that extra holiday weight in a week. Amazing huh? So that stuff gets deleted right away and that process makes me hungry again so I go eat a chipwich, its like a turkey sandwich, only the turkey and bread are replaced by chocolate chip cookies and ice cream. And all that chewing makes me thirsty for some ice tea - Arizona Green Tea that is....

Then I'll go out to one of the following:

The Mall
A Fast Food Establishment
Dollar/Thrift Store

Speaking of which...My cousin Pat and I were watching "I love the 80s" on VH1 and they were talking about fashions of the decade and we decided we were going to find ourselves some mighty fine Members Only jackets. So we hit up the thrift store and found not only one but TWO and a couple of knock-off brands. So we cleared them out of their Members Only appearal - one blue and one mustard yellow.

So basically the rest of my day is spent watching movies, or going to someone elses house and watching a movie and or TV, then we'll go to starbucks, and then more tv, and then we go home and I go online check out what other amazing deals i'm being offered in my emails, then I top my day off with some tv.
