Friday, May 03, 2002

By popular request I've decided to present a true story of what happens when life throws you a curve and knocks your bum off.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold, a Lifetime Movie presentation of : Shake what the donor gave you.

After a grueling week of school Liz Rivalskin decided to have a talk with her friend Colleen Evanstone. It was a fairly breezy friday afternoon and Liz Rivalskin wondered how Colleen Evanstone would fair.
So she went up to Colleen Evanstone and asked, "What's baking, booty shakin?"
Colleen Evanstone's face instantly became grim. "Not much."
Liz Rivalskin was curious and asked, "Aww nothin to shake?"
Ms. Evanstone replied, "nope...." A single tear steamed down her almost unbearably beautiful face. She then continued adding, "I shook my booty too hard that it fell off."
Liz Rivalskin was shocked at these words and in a light whisper proclaimed, "oh deaaaar." She secretly wondered if this could happen to her and what she would do. Surely living with no bum would scar her for life!
Colleen Evanstone then began to tell her story. "i know. It was tragic.."
But Liz Rivalskin had to get a word in because in addition to loving the current statis of her bum, she also loved to hear the sound of her radiant voice. To get her fix she said, "I bet it was gross too."
Ignoring this comment, Colleen Evanstone pushed on with her story. She struggled to repress the need to cry out for something. Anything. Anyone to identify with the pain she had endured. Building up all the courage within she began to tell her story once again, "The doctor said there is a chance that I can find a donor, and get a new, firm bum. But then I can't technically shake what MY mom gave me."
Her eyes began to water at the thought. But Liz Rivalskin wasn't touched as she had thought she would be. Instead she needed to hear her voice once more. She tried to hide it as much as possible and emitted a light, "Hmmm." As if she were thinking of how to solve this puzzle. And what a curious puzzle it was.
Colleen Evanstone continued with her rant. "You'd have to say, "shake what the donors mama gave you. And then everyone will stop dancing and stare at my butt."
In Liz Rivalskin's mind she envisioned a horrible scene and said, "..And then itd fall off again, from embarasment."
It was as if Colleen Evanstone had somehow tapped into Liz Rivalskin's mind. They had made a mental connection like they so often did to understand one another. It was as if they left their bodies and became one. And in that case their name would be Lizeen Stoneskin.
Their next statements molded into each other as if they both held onto the paintbrush as it drew a tree.
Colleen Evanstone said, "and i'd never be able to show my face in this town again, because of embarassment."
And Liz Rivalskin said, "and then you'd live the rest of your life as a bumless hermit, due to embarasment."
And Colleen Evanstone rebutted with, "now I have to find the right cave for me you know how many available caves there are now a days that are even halfway decent?...none."
And Liz Rivalskin replied, " no one ever says i wanna be bumless when i grow up...but you ARE."
A heavy silence filled the room. Colleen Evanstone stared hard at the ground as if it would give her the answers she so desperately needed. And then by some miracle it did! Colleen Evanstone's eyes light up as she proclaimed with all her being, "i didnt plan it. Life threw me a curve. And it knocked my bum off."
As yes, the message was so clear now. Liz Rivalskin had reached deep within her soul and found the very meaning of existance didn't have to be listening to your own voice. It was the listen to others. To their stories filled with hopes, fears, and bums falling off. She was touched. And through newly shed tears she whimpered, "that's beautiful..."
At the point Colleen Evanstone put her arm around Liz Rivalskin to comfort her in her new revelation of life as she searched for her wise next words.
" Its a limerick," she said as they walked together into the sunset. Only they existed tonight. The rest of the world was calmly waiting outside for Liz Rivalskin and Colleen Evanstone to return when they were ready.

The End

This story was dedicated to Liz Rivalsi and her baby borl. God Bless!

Song o the day: Jump by Criss Cross...they worse their pants backwards, cuz they were ghetto, not to meantion 12

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I found this just now and would like to share

Relationships are math problems to me
There are different ways to go about it
Certain topics I am good at
But if I don't pay attention - I'm screwed
There is only one right answer
The longer problems are always more difficult,
but worth more points
When I have a question,
I ask the teacher
Sometimes it's fun
Sometimes I hate it
When it comes to a test, I go blank
Not enough studying
I don't remember the equation
But then again...
I was never good at math.

Note: Yes, I am single. Stupid Math!

Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Writing a ten page short story is alot harder than I anticipated. If only it were a 10 sentence story or a kitten. Then I would definitely get a 100. I loves ma kitties!

Monday, April 29, 2002

Sometimes I try to be different a little too much. I get annoyed when I fall into the norms of emotions and the times that "everyone goes through." I dont want to go through what everyone else does. I want to be super human. Being a perfectionest is really starting to wear me away. How can I have perfection when there is nothing left?

[Shakes fist at Life]

Anyway, I woke up this morning in total confusion. I had no idea why my alarm was set. And then the realization sunk in, with a! Freakin mondays. If only I went to bed before eleven something, the whole tired issue wouldnt be an issue. I would have wonderful bounds of sleep and wake up refreshed. But you see there are these things called TV and internet. These things call to me and I always answer (it would be rude not to) and then I have problems leaving. But I can't get rid of it cuz I can't live without it. There is no life without entertaining technology. I think it's taking over my brain and eventually I'll never want to sleep. How terrible.

I love this song: Baba O'Reilly by The Who
You might remember this little ditty from the American Beauty Movie Trailer or not depending on your memory...

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Happy belated Phrase O the Week. This week's is from the talented Liz. You see, I was doing what basically all 13-30 year olds do at 8 on a the Simpsons. I quoted a line from the show [i just cant live without rage-a-hol] to Liz who was online at the time thinking she was watching. But Liz fo-dot that Simpsons were on: a crime punishable by death if caught by the po-po. I told her she was a failure. To which she replied:

i accept my failureism

Congrads to Liz and her ability to do EVERYTHING wrong. [thumbs up]