Friday, November 16, 2001

He was the sweetest of children. Always helpin' his mama he was. Oooh child, if you'd a seen his face you'd think youz was lookin at an angel. But we all know, all the angels stay in heaven. So dat made him one of those fallen angels. He ran away from home when he was only all of 7 years. Carried a big ol' suitcase down yonder (points down yonder, aka down the road). No one did stop him, cept that UPS truck. Smacked his brains clear 'cross the road it did. I didnt shed a tear though. I never did like that boy.
-This contradicting rant is brought to you by old people...
Old People, when they get senial, put them in a home.

It's Friday everyone and we all know what that means...Phrase O the week time!! (various shouts from the studio audience)
This week's phrase is from Liz, Liz Rival*i...can you figure out who that is?
The phrase was said in regards to the Food Drive, while looking at my "Fancy Sliced Carrots" can she said, in a southern accent:
--Be careful wit dem cans! (implying the importance of it being "fancy")

Thursday, November 15, 2001

I would like to take the honor of renaming homeless people to a more appropriate name: Lazy Folk. They have really gotten on my nerves recently. Usually I am fond of them but when it comes to the holiday season, they just piss me off. Is it really that hard to get a job? NO, they are just too lazy so they depend on people who work hard for the money and leach off them through the power of guilt. (mocking voice) Oh i'm soo hungry. Give me money for food. Oh you want money? Then dance and sing for me, dont just be annoying, be creative, use your brain. You know they look forward to thanksgiving time cuz they get lots of food and arent greatful, they just expect it. They use us year after year, those smooth criminals. Damn them all..(until the summer time)


Tuesday, November 13, 2001

I wish I could just think of food and it would appear, like Peter Pan and the lost boys did in Never Never Land. But instead of that crazy food that was colored weird and such, it would be like chicken, cake, ice-cream, peanut butter M&Ms, soup, and what have you. To top it off, that stuff could be healthy for you! That would be the greatest and it would solve world hunger. I'm a genius! I cant wait to go to Never Never Land this year! (thinks of happy things to fly but realizes that there is no fairy dust on me) RATS!

School is a lot of fun when you dont go to the 1st 4 periods...thank you drama!

Check out Incubus - Warning, the only versions so far are live but it's a great new song.

Monday, November 12, 2001

extreme change of pace for me today but i want to post this anyway, cuz my emotions have been all over this week.

Blurry Vision

Why do I do the things I do?
Is it me?
The World?
I'm under the microscope
of my own eye
What's my motive?
These atoms of insecurities fly around
Faster and faster
Until they collide
in and explosion of tears.
And like so many things in life
I dont know why

Look around,
Everyone wages their own battles
but you never see the white flags
We're all actors
Glass characters
pretending to be made of metal.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Note to self : Dont ever play football again.

I cant believe the level of soreness i am experiencing right about now. Oochy ouchy! It even hurts when I lay down to rest, I feel like i have arthritis. So not fun.

Today is Sunday, Nov. 11th. That means Priemere night for Fox. I look forward to Simpsons, Malcom in da mid., and X files. Its sad to me that XF is getting bad press for this year, it was such a great show. I will be very sad if I will have to say, "it USED to be good." But i'll watch nevertheless, cuz I love Gillian. I know her by a 1st name basis.

Bless us all...every one! -Tiny Tim