Wednesday, December 12, 2001

I decided to look up some words know expand my vocabulary.

pantie/panty- pl.panties: a woman's or child's undergarment covering the lower trunk and made with closed crotch

pimp: a man who solicits clients for a prostitute

poop(1): an eclosed superstructure at the stern of a ship
poop(2): slang: information
**these definitions are SO wrong

monkey: a primate mammal other than man; one of the smaller, longer-tailed, and usually more arboreal primates as contrasted with the apes

flatulence: the release of gas from the body

booby- plu-boobies: an awkward ineffective person: dope

**Zee Poopsie** Thats right, you'll be seeing that in the yearbook, i'm getting my 16 cents worth.

Song o the week: Chinese Rappa's Delight-Tai Mai Shu

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