Friday, July 26, 2002

If I were reincarnated into a fruit I think I'd be... a banana. It goes with lots of foods. It's yella. Grows on a cool tree. And monkeys eat it. Yeah monkeys!

Mike Myers IS Austin Powers IN Goldmember WHICH WAS soldout. Rats! Stupid summer that allows other people to go see movies at 12:30. People ruin everything. For instance nature. What have we done for her? I'll tell you what. We've taken a GIANT dump on her carpet and blamed it on the dog. And guess what? She doesnt even HAVE a dog. It'll be fun to see how our great great great grandkids will survive. I bet they'll lose. Mother Nature...more like mother-fer!
oh snap

I hope I didnt offend Mother Nature. I was only kidding. It's my job. Gotta pay dem bills or the man will disconnect ma phone.

This is what happens when you can't go sleepies. You ramble. My rambling is semi-coherent. At least I think so.

Examples of Sarcasm:
hey col
-Yes child?
let's say that hypothetically this old lady is walking near me and she keeps farting and it smells like old beef. What should I say?
-Ask her to continue to fart cuz it smells REAL good.

*this has been an example of sarcasm*
Paid for by the word pedagogic
-Hey, doesnt that mean educational?
You bet! Wow your smart. (mumbles under breath) dumbass..
-I heard that.

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