Tuesday, August 27, 2002

I didnt want to post this all together, cuz then you might not read it. ha ha I'm tricky.

I've developed a brand spankin' new segmet called...

Sometin bout College: My 1st college shower experience. Now I'm in the shower and I am like hey i'm gonna get clean by using my shower gel. So I put some o dat bad boy on that lather ball. Alas, no lather.
Colleen thinks: What the heck?!
I put some more on. Nothing happens
Colleen thinks: Is this like bum soap or something?
I finish the shower, go back to my room. As I put back the shampoo I look at the shower gel and notice it's HAIR gel, not shower gel.
Colleen thinks: wow, thats sad.
Then I checked my skin to make sure it wasnt gel-like. It wasnt.

I'm smart!

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