Wednesday, September 18, 2002

My first year seminar teacher is from Boston and when he says "wicked" it makes me giggle.

A recent email from my past guidance counsler, Ms.Hance, reads:

Funny story, a parent saw the note that you wrote that I smelled like poo, she felt bad for me and didn't understand why you would write that, I tried to explain but it did not

Seriously, I laughed histerically to myself over that for a good minute. The note actually read that, "Ms.Hance smells like da poo, THUS she has no friends." But I mean cmon, did they want me to lie?! I think not.

I make a mix cd and it took me a combined 5 hours to put it all together. One because I am a perfectionist and Two I wanted it to be awesome and Three because I never used dem burners befo'
Technology is FUN!

The end result was entitled, As if it is my Job....The Mix

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