Sunday, September 08, 2002

Under my Farja's request I must update the site. So SORRY that I havent updated, how crazy of me to like be out and about (said very sarcastically with extra jazzy hand motions to emphasize)

Hmm whats new?
Oh I got something!

As many of you probably read, I am a Field Producer for a show. Now I know you must be asking yourself:

What does a feild producer do?
Good Question. I pondered that same eternal question and thankfully sudhanshu was there to answer. Obviously we take shots of open feilds like wheat or corn. And then occassionally we have some people run through in slow motion to romantic music. However, in this case, the woman isnt running after the man as he thinks. Instead, she is running after her hat that blew off in the wind. That pesky wind. Always picking on those poor helpless hats. When is someone gonna kick the winds ass?


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