And now may I present, the wise words of Mr. Shawn Evanson. (all in one day mind you)
1) While attending a birthday dinner at a restaurant he got the sudden urge to burp and quickly decided to let others present view its effects with a little help from an glass and straw. Proud at this idea he exclaimed:
Check it out, I'm going to burp through this straw.
And he did.
2) Later in the evening after father had opened his gifts. There was one gift in particular that we couldn't wait to see. It was from the wonderful dollar store. You could call them magical pills that when put in warm/hot water open up to become MYSTICAL CREATURES. As such we spent amply time staring at colored pills waiting for the plastic/gooey coating to melt to reveal these sponge creatures; one of which was a Pegasis. It was taking some time revealing itself and Shawn was poking it's leg claiming:
It's leg is retarded.
I reminded him that's not a politically correct statement, to which he replied:
Sorry, it's leg is slow.
Much better Shawn, much better.
3) Continuing on our endever with the sponge creatures in the tupperware container, the water inside began to become less than luke warm. As such Shawn thought he could help matters by adding some body heat into the water. I questioned him about his efforts. He answer was the following (for full effect image statement said with much sass and confidence):
I'm trying to heat the water with my fingers.
A true genius.
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