Monday, December 13, 2004

I recently exited the documentary time portal only to find I need to do well on all my finals to try to boost my grades. However, there is a lack in motivation because nothing could compare to the pay off of documentary. Not even thai food.

That's right I said it.

(insert mind explosion here)


Patrick said...

While I busy myself with the task of collecting the shattered pieces of my cerebellum, perhaps you could help us by creating a top five list of your delights. Just so this whole "your head aslplode!" thing doesn't happen again.

Where would, say, a basket full of kitties fit in? A publicly televised unveiling of Judith Light and Bea Arthur's hidden masculinity? A never-ending can of green tea? A dream date with Fred "Hunter" Dryer?


Anonymous said...

Glad you asked, Pat. I am also in need of such a list. Also, what about Brad Pitt? sugar cookies? early 90s dance tunes? rack shots?

Anonymous said...

Also, I must state that this comment feature is most wondrous!