Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sometimes I wonder if aliens (or alie-ums) exist that they would be fascinated by our eyes, since they are neither huge, nor one color. That whole concept has the potential to blow they undoubtedly more advanced minds clear out of their enlarged skulls. Also the fact that we have actual genitalia. That might confuse/gross them out.


Anonymous said...


That one is wayyyyyyyyy out there...

No pun intended....

Patrick said...

Okay, Col. You've pushed the outside of the envelope before... and I respect ya for it.

But this time, I think we can all agree that you've gone too far. Discussing alien genitalia (or the lack thereof)?

I'm afraid that's it. You're out of the band.

No. No arguments. We'll find another drummer...

No, it won't be hard, I know this guy...

Well, okay. You have a point there, but we're going to need...

Alright, okay. Gary's willing to let bygones be bygones.

Yes, okay, I see you, Mel. You don't have to wave your hand in the air like an epileptic. You're going to give her a second chance too. Fine, thank you.

... Right, sorry, Gary. I know your sister's got... Yes, epilepsy. I haven't forgotten... No, I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking... Gary, this just isn't the time for this.

Y'know what? Fine, Col. I'll give you another shot as well.

But we're going to have to make this thing WORK. No more crazy tangents about E.T. Pee-pees.

Hey... wait a minute. I think we have a name for our debut album, people!