Friday, August 05, 2005

I'm a pretty fast walker. I'm able to pass a lot of people if I'm in a hurry or walking down a city block. It's almost like driving. I'm not saying that I speed when I drive because I can't really go over 80MPH due to the 14 year old car I drive. You see much like old people my car will shake. But back to walking, which also to keep with the old people motif - they can't really do to well, but I can. Now the only thing that will really stop me from walking past another person involves one of three things.

1. There are too many people blocking the way.

Most of the time they go pretty slow as well which annoys me even more, and when there is a break I'll walk super fast like I'm trying to hint that its annoying only they dont really care.

2. They themselves are walking pretty fast.

Now I could probably pass them, only we're walking about the same pace only I'm alittle bit faster and once I do pass them it will take awhile to do so, about 5-8 seconds which means they will at one time notice that I am right next to them and look over. I assume this will be an awkward moment of eye contact. As if they'll get really annoyed I'm passing them, like I'm Mrs.Fasty Walk Fastlots or something. Big hot shot. Once again I find when I do pass them, they for the most part, don't care.

3. I know the person up ahead.

If I'm good friends with them of course I'll meet up and chat. But often its more like someone I would rather say hey to in passing and that's it. There is nothing really more to say because let's be honest I was in that one class with you and that's it, or I talked to you a couple times bc you are a friend of a friend. You know those. (These may also be the same people on your buddy list that you never talk to but keep on the list in case of some emergency.)

So here I am in a hurry to walk to where I need and there is this person and I can't really pass them while going somewhere which means I'd look like a bitch if I pretended I didn't see them, plus if I get caught I'll have to pretend I didn't which I may or may not pull off. And in either case I'd have to engage in a forced conversation to waste time.

What makes it worse is if they are going the same way I am and they are walking REALLY slow. There is just no escape. And I have to walk even slower to stay at a decent distance behind bc if I get too close they might hear my footsteps and turn around, then WHAM! I'm stuck. Sometimes I will actually have to stop a bit, only that's weird too, so I'll pretend my shoe is untied or suddenly start rummaging through my bag for nothing.

It's a tough life as a fast walker...who mainly walks around a college campus where I know some people. Let me tell you, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Anonymous said...

That car shakes at 70mph so watch it! Remember the Ithaca popo are watching you!!

Andrea said...

I get the fast walker thing - I too am a fast walker - I often say that they should give people walking classes before they allow them out in the mall - I have categorized them into the following categories - 1. the people that walk four to five across, come on now, you can't talk to someon five people away from you and you are blocking my way, 2. the people that don't know where they are going and are simply wandering slowly paying no attention to anyone around them - to them I say, pull over and get directions, 3. the people that walk at a decent pace, but don't know there is anyone else in the universe so they stop short and you walk into them...IDIOT's...there are more, but I think that's enough...