Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Second Grade Journal entry:

What was the happiest day in your life? Explain.

My new bed room set. bcese it saw brity.

I feel this is an amazing couple of sentences for a few reasons. 1) I am so superficial about probably one of the lamest things you can get. 2) I butchered because. 3) I wrote "was" backwards to say "saw" - Hello dyslexic how are you? 4) know as in "I feel brity, oh so brity."


Patrick said...

Sometimes I feel Britty as well.

So, what colour was your bedroom set? Some people prefer a deep wood, but I would think a grey aluminium set would be my favourite.

Oi... sometimes I'm such a wally.

C$ said...

I believe it was wood painted white....brity fancy.