Monday, November 09, 2009

The other day I saw a commerical for the Snuggie aka a blanket with arm sleeves because we all know how hard it is to take a blanket off when we need to use our hands. Commericals in general are ridiculous to me but this one took the cake.

First of all they tried to show off their fancy new options like zebra and leopard print, so everyone can see how cool you are. Then they had the nerdiest white guy wearing one while laying on a couch and raising the roof. A-mazing.

But my all time fave part is when the entire family is wearing one and they are playing pictionary. Naturally there is a picture of the Snuggie already drawn and they get excited when someone guesses it. Now if you are ALL wearing it, is it really necessary to draw it? I mean I know that's the point of the game but wouldn't you just point to yourself. This seems like a lot of work for a product that is supposed to make my life easier. Also what game of pictionary has this as an option?

The Marketing geniuses strike again!


beet-red said...

My mom bought a Snuggie for Casey. Yes, Casey...our beagle. Once it is delivered she too, will be raisin da roof (or raising the WOOF! ahh I had to)

Finally our dogs can enjoy be warm and cozy while still allowed the freedom of running, jumping and sitting on the couch! What? you say their fur does this? I don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

They stole that fashion idea from Admiral Akbar....whose kidding who? Thieves!
