Thursday, January 07, 2010

After every shower I notice there is a decent amount of hair that comes off my head. My hair is pretty thin and as it's getting longer I spot those straggling pieces on my shirt. As much as some would jest, I do shower on a daily basis. Now I'll be the first to admit I'm no good at math but the law of averages tells me that the number of hairs coming out of my head can fall out quicker than new ones growing in.

It's only a matter of time before I'll need a wig. That or I'll just magic marker my head. I'm sure no one will notice.


Andrei Alba said...

use head and shoulders. hahaha.

manny pacquiao commercial here in the philippines.

Cari said...

It's amaizng what your body will do when your pregnant. Wait until you get amazing thick shiny pregnant hair, and your boobs are the size of midsummer watertmelons.. you know .. THE HUGE ONES. And then you read that its only the begining, once the baby is born and the milk comes in they get even bigger... my spine is going to break in half!

Ok i got off on a tangent. The moral of the story was ... wait until you get pregnant hair.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please WAIT to get prego hair.
