Saturday, February 20, 2010

It has been decided amongst friends last night that there MUST be a puppy channel. Full of adorable puppies doing such things as:

Running (through snow/fields/beach)
Being afraid to jump off the couch
Barking for a treat
Sleeping with other puppies
Looking back and forth at a toy off screen
Wearing puppy sweaters
Staring at a TV with a kitty on it

Segway into Kitty Channel, coming this Fall!

We feel it can be much like the yule log that runs during the Christmas season. It's just on as a default channel. Either that or it can run at night against informercials and to make money we can scroll ads/logos along the bottom. Most likely it'll be sponsored by Petco. Eventually it can be a whole network full of baby animals. Including giraffes trying to get their legs under them for the first time. There will be zanky elevator type music, you know, the stuff you hear on America's Funniest Videos. Perhaps we can even get Bob Saget to host....?

This is a gem sweater of a concept. Don't steal my idea, people of the internets, or I'll be aReal annoyed.


Chaia Milstein said...
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Chaia Milstein said...

Dude, last year "This American Life" ran a segment about this guy who went so far as to come up with a business plan for a puppy channel and pitch it around town; obviously it didn't sell, which is very sad. Since you came up with the idea without knowing about the other fellow, clearly the 100th monkey theory states that IT MUST COME TO PASS. The 100th puppy theory backs it up as well.

Cari said...

I love the gem sweater thing the most obvs.

I watched Jurrasic Park yesterday... and that is all I could think about..that Jurrasic Park song.

It was a good day. Especially since I had a milkshake for dinner!