Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yesterday I was having dinner with a friend and we were discussing dreams. Them things are crazy! I shared a few of mine that featured celebrities and then started to wonder...

Many of us have had some kid of celebrity dream in our lifetime, a few of mine have featured Meryl Streep and Marishka Hargitay (both the actress and the TV character Olivia Benson - I believe it was prompted by a Law & Order: SVU marathon). And yet I wonder, did they dream of me? Do celebrities have dreams of us common folk?

My old boss was friends with Marishka and I always wondered if she came to visit him and we locked eyes, if she'd know me somehow and then we'd obvs become best friends. I mean, that makes sense right? I'm sure it wouldn't be weird if I told her about my dream. I wouldn't sound crazy AT ALL.

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