Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dear Mother Nature,

I know it's been awhile since I last wrote and as much as I don't want this to sound passive aggressive - could you maybe stop letting whatever blooms from like 10pm til midnight in the general LA area bloom? I know it's kinda vague but whatever it is that started to bloom like 2 weeks ago is killing me. I literally cannot breath at that time of night and it's not just outside my apartment, it spans all over from east LA to the west side.

You know I love you, I mean, I ride my bike to work. AND I take the trash out of the Green Bin that even states on it that it's NOT a trash can but my neighbors just can't seem to grasp that concept. So could you do me a solid? I'd really appreciate it, especially since I have to rely on this nasal spray in order to breathe at night and who knows what chemicals in there will give me cancer down the road. Because it claims it's "no drip" but let's be honest, there is some drip and the taste is not great. That might be TMI for you but I just want you to be aware of the gravity of the situation.

In summary, I like you but this is just too much right now.


PS - Did you watch the Breaking Bad finale?! We gotta talk about it.

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