Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Hey kids, its time to get updated again. Since i was absent for 3 days, we are behind on our work. Tisk tisk

Dont you hate it when you have to pee. No one else really cares about it cuz its not their problem. I just "emptied the tank" as i like to say, but the memory of the swollen bladder is still fresh in my mind. So if someone was to come up to me for some reason & say that they have to pee I would most likely have a mini flashback, and my response would be "that sucks"
You are SO blinded by the urine that its all you think about and suddenly you start to map out the quickest way to the bathroom. Then you think how this would never happen in the confines of your own home, because you can easily access one at any time at home. And even if you leave class to pee, the walk there takes forever. You're all anxious. The suspense builds as you go into the stall then.....you panic cuz you cant seem to "relieve yourself" since you held it in for so long and you wonder if the rest of your life you will not be able to pee then...(tinkle, tinkle) and its the most glorious sound. You feel like a million bucks when you step out. To top it off you stroll back to class singing/whistling. Well...I do anyway.

Song O the Day: Cant touch this-MC Hammer (i wonder what ever happened to him..hes got to be homeless now)

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