Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Day Five:

A Late Start: woke up a couple times but only got up at 1:15. It's impressive, and sad.

Speech Probs: I can't speech at all today: example: snots!, godchild, gloss, dogfaced killa, etc.

Videotaped Virtual Tour of the digital casa: I got lost in Africa, saw children covered in cement, looked for a lost dog, pet a kitty, saw the white house, saw the clone garden...they were in the fetal stage

Unkie Ken Hangout Time: went to starlight chinese place and saw a wall of pictures of the customers. A baby was healthy and eating healthy, others looked like moviestar, and then merry stole the pic with two men who eat brown rice and it makes them more healthy. Saw a fish flop...a sad death. SVA vs SIA ( School of Imaginery Arts) blank walls n such, they imagine beating ppl up.

World Mysteries: I dont understand why ppl with beards of bees try to shave...with honey non the less. And why merry went cliff diving into a rocky quary. Some people confoose me.

A Shame: everyone has stolen something of zero value except for me and it's MY mission. What the F is that?

Discovery: sherbert is good

Did you hear that?: Freak whiste-er=Liz. Always Whistling!

Think bout dis: A crazy old fart. How does an old fart stay alive for that long. Rumor has it, they disapate into the air. I guess thats why its crazy.

Jimmy Newtron: the movie that will make your kids rape you. Hey, its happens

Homesickness strikes: Liz misses her na-na and the questions asked.

Liz's Revenge: she scared the crap out of Merry since her attempts on me over the years have been unsuccessful.


Day Six:

New Word: Muggin'

Real World Reruns Strike Again!: Yeah, they are addicting AND fun to watch

Mad Crazy Search For: Jam or some sort of Jelly to go on toast. In the search I found an evil tomato with horns and a butt.

Fun with Glasses: my glasses were making me look crazy cuz they were all crooked n such

Cruised: 'round Cali all by ourselves. Blasted the radio. Read a magazine. Realized how embarrassing it must be to buy old people diapers. There is no hiding that.

A Convo at the Dinner Table: Unkie Val eats bunnies. I made friends with a brick that I talk to. opposi thinking; right way is to puff at the air, wrong way is to puff and hmm....(gasp!) WRONG! -> this bred a teacher who is fired cuz they are always surprised and yelling at the kids...(gasp!) NOT TRUE!

Liz Killed Me: with lightsabers and limbs and killing knives

A New Game: we played a three person triangle coin game and the neighbors saw us. Note: Liz wants Nerf stuff.

White Gravy Sinerio: Aunt Donna said she was going to throw out the white gravy and Unkie Val got sad so he then ate more mash dtados to finish up some o the gravy before the mountain lion bears could get to it.

1) Old Man and Humpback Whale are the same when acted out.
2) Bunnies wiggle their noses.

Uh-oh Skeetie-Os..she knows!: Aunt Donna told us that she got a faulty box of cookies from Knotts Berry Farm. They were mysteriously half eaten. We all agreed it was best for her to bring them back.

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