Day Three:
Santa Monica Peir: so many big arse expensivo houses, T-bell and funnel cakes, Ferris Wheel; scary to lean all the way back, I licked the pole, and we hid our fun from the employees. Bought; sunglasses and zip up hoody. Named a boat the SS Poopsie, watched guys paint with their fingers, saw a crazy lady yell at no one, found a cool skirt..41 thanks, 5 dollar palm reading; long life, work with mind, not rich or poor but happy, 3 kids, appearently my bf loves me more than I think since I'm "not getting the love I want", lucky days are sat and sunday. Can you say general?
On the way back: I dared Liz to steal a little street cone and she did, but the light we were stopped at turned green so she attempted to dive back into the car. Unfortunately she dove a bit high and hit her head on the car door. Don't worry, she's ok.
At the House: discussed The Real World...we agree that Tonya sucks. Liz then tripped as she sneezed. And I discovered that the walls give me immunity from the Rath of Liz.
A shocking discovery: There is something in the In and Out burgers. We think it's the cheese. It's laced. [for the east coasters, In and Out is an AMAZING burger place where everything is made fresh and its reasonable priced]
Case in point: Colleen throws up on me - Merry
Fun with the Letter Q: Qwhat? and Qwater
Watched The Others and shared stories of unexplained and contact with other worlds.
We discussed parents eternal power and I said how one day we will have that power..."and abuse it like the rest of them" - Merry
(no offense to all the rents out there)
Informercials: Before and After "Bring It Up" breasts...Awesome.
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