Saturday, March 02, 2002

Phrase O the Week. This weeks comes from the ever so masterful SNL. As their best commerical deals with the subject matter of insurance against robot attacks, an old woman first thinks that she's surely too old to get insurance-but she does want it since the robots come at night and steal her meds for fuel. Another old woman leans in and says:

I don't know why the scientist make them.

As Liz would say, Crazy scientists..always good for a laugh.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Liz and I had an interesting conversation this afternoon about the devil having online:

FJive45: speak o da devil
Lactaid Lady: i didnt know they got internet in hell
FJive45: of course! i think thats where was invented
Lactaid Lady: did you read that somwhere?
FJive45: oh yeah the, Devil Times, i believe
Lactaid Lady: I only get Newsday
FJive45: sheltered child
Lactaid Lady: Have you ever met him...
Lactaid Lady: Lucifer
FJive45: i've never had the pleasure actually, you?
Lactaid Lady: once I passed him in the hall
Lactaid Lady: we made eye contact
FJive45: you didnt!
Lactaid Lady: I did!
FJive45: !!
FJive45: omg you're such a whore!
Lactaid Lady: (blushes)
Lactaid Lady: You know me

My mind=blank. My creative juices have been sucked out by those obese vampires. Damn them! Stupid vampires with the sharp teeth (shakes fist). If you ask me, they should have to get a license for using those. It's absolute chaos I tell ya. Flying around at night, drinking blood of humans (and sometimes cows). It is SO illegal, but not written down in the Vampire Restriction Parers created by the French. Vampires got it made easy. Smooth criminals, all of them...except Bob, he's alright. Lent me money for soda one time.

Hey! Hey! Look at this! (points to old man eating a sam-mitch)

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Ask yourself this:
If I were to become an animal, which would I be?

I'd probably become a chinchilla. Those crazy rabbit/squirrel looking things. They are in pet stores but mostly in the wild so I wouldnt have to worry to much about sitting in a cage my whole life. I could live in the jungles of South America. Be named Jose. Run around in the trees with the monkeys and scavange for grape nuts. What a great life...

I'd renamed the Random Word Looked Up in the Dictionary to Dictionario Tiempo (translation: Dictionary Time)

yoyo: a thick grooved double disk with a string attached to its center which is made to fall and rise to the hand by unwinding and rewinding on the string; leading cause of insanity

Ozma: Rock...
I will never skip a rock
I will never skip a rock
I will never skip a rock, again

Monday, February 25, 2002

Each vacation expands my capacity to become a dirtbag.

I get so used to lounging around, watchin' tv, sleeping. It's a bitter sweet break from the norm. I am envious of people who don't care [bout nut-tin]. No matter how easy it seems to just NOT do an assignment I would feel so bad to disappoint a teacher but at the same time I have a current attitude of 'ska-rew dis.' I just don't have the ability to become a dirtbag. Potential is there, but I can't pull it off.

Random thoughts:
-Life cereal is tastey goodness in a box
-I could go for some lemonade (minute-maid)
-Desks are restricking, we need recliners
-What's up with the Sachem Boys Wrestling poster?
-The GAP sucks
-The Candy Heart told me "it's love." But I don't like grape

De End

Sunday, February 24, 2002

Now that I am forced to accept the reunion with school is coming tomorrow, I realize I really SHOULD finish up any hw i totally ditched to PAR-TAY. But alas, I am a slacker and dont wanna. The english research report calls out and I'm like "Yes, you shouldn't" so I watch tv instead. School is SO dumb, I aint never gonna...(too lazy to complete thought). Wow, senoritis is a crazy disease that effects millions of High School seniors worldwide.

Funny Ghetto Song Lyrics:
I F for free
So pee on me

Today I put corn on my teeth so they looked yellow and such. And merry talked about getting lots of corn in her poo in front of the waitress. Danielle Fs for free.

Down with School! Damn Communists. Where is McCarthy when you need him?