Saturday, March 05, 2011

I have felt very guilty for not writing, though I fear I have nothing really interesting to say. It's like running into a distant friend at the store. You feel obligated to say hello but you aren't really saying anything.

"How are you?"
"Fine, how are you?"

For all you know I'm not good, I'm going through a terrible time but who wants to hear about that? You are always good. The only type of bad news we humans will stomach to hear in passing conversations is that you aren't feeling well. And even then we spin it, "well something is going around." It's not your fault. Although, let's be honest, it probably is.

This is not a passive aggressive way for me to say I'm not dong well. In fact, I'm great. Still enjoying the fruits of my non labor. Got back to my apartment today to deal with unemployment paperwork. Which was confusing so I avoided it for a good half hour. Upon doing some recon on how exactly to fill it out, turns out I have to shade the truth a bit. Especially since I can't elaborate on the form WHY I am not looking for work, so YES I am looking and NO there's no reason I'm not allowed to work. Any hiccups from the standard answers they want = more paperwork and no money. And I needs me some money!

Now see what I did? I didn't think I'd have anything to say and yet here I am rambling on. Though I usually avoid writing too much, it scares away readers. Or at least it can seem overwhelming to me when I'm reading which is why I only really skim or read headlines. Yeah, I'm informed.

"Ugh. Four paragraphs (and a mini convo)?! I'll read it later..."