Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Oh by the way Christina Anguilera is the biggest WHORE ever. Just watch her recent video called "Dirrty." Two Rs for whoRe. I'm sure she makes her grandparents proud. Freaking slut.

Phrase of the Week time!

Revelation: My teachers are funny.
So this week's comes to you straight outta acting class. You see, our teacher, who we call Joey even though it's weird because he's our teacher and we call him by his first name but thats ok since he's not that much older than us...He says funny things inadvertantly. Thus, they are even funnier to us. For example in the past he's used, "Mr. 12 hands" to describe a scene between a boyfriend and girlfriend where the boyfriend was being touchy feely. after we finished our midterm scenes he gets up to tell us about our next project and says...

Here are some thoughts to think.

Instantly we start to laugh and he says, write that one down!

oh Joey...

Monday, October 14, 2002

The following quotes from an IM conversation I deem the most entertaining words that construct sentences...of the night. I call it, You know what Colleen?

julesvp: you know what colleen?
julesvp: don't sassafrass me

...Later on....

julesvp: you know what colleen?
julesvp: you can take your lactaid disease
julesvp: and shove it up your nose

She doesn't know what it's like, being lactose intolerant. No-body know the trouble I've seen...No-Body knows my sorrow...
Thats a song.

Question of the day: How ARE crayons made?

Check tomorrow for answer.

The Lone Sock:

On my journey back to my place of living, in the area that I further my education, I came upon a lone sock. He was white, and lay crumpled up on the concrete. He didn't ask me for money, but I could tell he was hungry. He was the silent type, who asks with their eyes. Although he had no eyes, just a long stretch of threads that could be pulled way past your ankles and up your leg. The type my dad often likes to fashion to show the time when he grew up. This sock had little time to grow. A life of poverty. A street rat. He was like Aladdin, but was missing the glow of the diamond in the ruff. He was more like the sad white sock on the sidewalk. I bet he was stepped on today. I bet people pointed and laughted at his misfortune. How dare them?! How dare I?! Who am I to judge his life? I will answer my own question...I am but a human.

Was that NOT the most amazing thing you ever read!? Yeah that's what I thought. Go get yourself a tissue and wipe away those tears.
My writing is SO deep.

Now go on with your life.