Saturday, February 20, 2010

It has been decided amongst friends last night that there MUST be a puppy channel. Full of adorable puppies doing such things as:

Running (through snow/fields/beach)
Being afraid to jump off the couch
Barking for a treat
Sleeping with other puppies
Looking back and forth at a toy off screen
Wearing puppy sweaters
Staring at a TV with a kitty on it

Segway into Kitty Channel, coming this Fall!

We feel it can be much like the yule log that runs during the Christmas season. It's just on as a default channel. Either that or it can run at night against informercials and to make money we can scroll ads/logos along the bottom. Most likely it'll be sponsored by Petco. Eventually it can be a whole network full of baby animals. Including giraffes trying to get their legs under them for the first time. There will be zanky elevator type music, you know, the stuff you hear on America's Funniest Videos. Perhaps we can even get Bob Saget to host....?

This is a gem sweater of a concept. Don't steal my idea, people of the internets, or I'll be aReal annoyed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I saw this Old Spice commercial the other day and was so amused by it I watched it again. In case you haven't seen it, I think you should.

Now you can impress all your co-workers at the water cooler with your know how of current pop culture events. How hip are you?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's talk about the Olympics for a second. Have you guys seen the "sport" where people cross country ski and then shoot stuff? I watched it on the TVs over the weekend, thoroughly confused. How is this an OLYMPIC event?

My aunt claimed it was something people in the Netherlands (or whatever) did years ago as a lifestyle; ski around and kill some animals to bring back to the fam. OK, I get the tradition but we don't hunt for food anymore. Currently they shoot at these targets.

Suggested improvement: dress people up as animals and shoot them with a paintball gun while on snow mobiles.

Now THAT I would watch.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I heart three day weekends.

A lot going down in my world at the moment. I got a new job as an assistant to two showrunners on an ABC family show. The big check minus is that it's currently 40 miles away from my apartment. And that's just one way.

So I'm now going to be the valley.


Yes, it's true. A move I never expected but it will cut my round trip commute to 50 miles. My biking to work days are over. I will now join the masses who spend hours in their car, yelling at the morons in their way.

I could move closer but then I'd be surrounded by NOTHING and NO ONE would visit. Or at least I'd never visit anyone in the deep valley, unless they had a kick ass pool. Which my new apartment will. Score.