Wednesday, March 26, 2003

If there is reincarnation, which I think there is cuz, I mean, then there are WAY too many souls hanging out and it must be so crowded and annoying to commute, plus the whole "Hmm...I feel like I've known you before" deal. But anyway, if we could choose an animal to become I would totally go with a cat.
Because then I could sleep for 16 hours a day and that would be normal. Plus claws, and night vision, and the ablility to fly. I mean hello!

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

No one is going to beat this so it might as well be given Phrase O the Week. Guess what Yvone and I talked about? Well read the quotes and you'll find out.

Yvone: I poop every other day...if I'm lucky. But when I poop I am so happy's poop. I get a sense of relief.

Wow, she makes it harder for me not to be gay.

I was watching some tv when this commercial comes on for a law firm called Shapiro and Shapiro and not only do they claim to get you money if you are in a car accident but they claim in bold letters that, "We Hate DRUNKS." I mean I dont care for drunks either, but hey man...give them a chance.

I changed some pictures around so scroll down for some fun!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

They should make a different kind of soap on a rope where they replace the soap with candy.

Hello Mr.Blog. I was recently informed that every second of laughing burns 1 calorie. Since Yvone and I are too lazy to go to the gym anymore, I think we subconsciouly have been laughing more often. We are like Cheech and Jong but without the weed.

I realized I needed to find a character for improv tomorrow when we do Storytelling - you tell a story as this character - complicated, ey? So I was like DAMN I keep forgetting, and then it came to me...
A person who really has to poop.
I just have to clench my bum and tip toe around, instand hilarity.