Saturday, December 07, 2002

"I will punch your mouth off"

I'm updating today like a fox!

Them be fighting words:

Today I was talking to my dad and he's all...whats with the long website address that I posted. Hey man, you gotta copy and paste for some fun, I'm not gonna just hand it to you. Then you would learn to be lazy. Anyway, we got to talking and he said something about Unkie George. It was about how he complained that I didnt update and he called him a cry baby, look:
Evshouse: he's a cry baby

What do you think of that Unkie George? You gonna take that from him?

Daily Shout out!
To: Once again, Ms. Marie
Why: She is so set on having me get into the holiday spirit and sent me a mini xmas tree. Rock on!

Do you gots lots o dat holiday spirit? Got nothing better to do? Then go here:

He's a little taste of the fun from my own experience:

I thought it was funny when I put Merry's panties on my head and danced the the can can on the couch while singing `Kitties!'.
The only person on my floor who plays music loud enough to bother me is my RA. Talk about abusing her power. Oh wonderful, now she's playing Dirrty by my favorite singer, Christina Angu-whore-a.

Yesterday someone said something funny but then I dont remember what it was. So the quest for the phrase o the week continues.

I saw Bowling for
It makes me want to do something.

I also saw Pootie Tang. That is the craziest movie. It's so random bad on purpose that its funny. As Pootie would say, "Sa da tay!"

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Random things:

1) Ithaca is a snow globe. I feel like someone keeps shaking up some more snow after it stops for a couple minutes.

2) The other day someone claimed that snow was the white man's camafloge.

3) Today I saw a plastic dining hall cup that was cracked on the ground. As snow fall around it I said to myself, "what a shame."

4) Coming back from class there were these older people on some kind of tour I assume. And old man picked up some snow off the railing and began to pack it in his hand. I thought he was going to hit one of the people in front of him, but he then passed the snow back and forth between his hands. I was like, what is the deal here? As if it wasn't bitter cold enough for him he feels the need to rub his hands in freezing snow? Aren't old people cold enough? As I left to go to my dorm he still had it in his hand. My only rational explanation is that he was making a really really small snowball and only he would get amusement out of hitting someone with it. Stupid old man....

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I was watching Letterman and he does these clips from Dr.Phil that are taken totally out of context and recent quote was:

Sometimes it's hard to see your own face without a mirror.

Oh Dr.Phil. That man is SO smart!

Monday, December 02, 2002

You know I don't update for a couple of days and I get some angry fan mail saying...I'll paraphrase:

Oh Why aren't you updating, what the f-bomb?! I am hooked on your site because you are the best human being alive. I wrote People a letter saying that you need to be in their magazine for Best Human EVER! They already have sexiest man alive and you are the coolest person alive. You should make a movie and then win an Oscar. I want to give you all my money. I'll write you a check for a ba-zillion dollars and you can spend it on producing a movie and buying candy and getting a kitty and a limo and a helper monkey and lastly a toothbrush because even though you have an amazing smile, you kinda have some plaque hanging out. I would do something about that. Do you brush 3 times a day? I doubt it. My great Aunt Edna once didnt brush her teeth because she thought there was a vast conspiracy to kill off the magical midgets that live in your back molars that give us magical healing powers. She was crazy, or was she? Anyway, please update. The End.

and now I will cite it (Unkie George pg1)

Oh and Daily Shout out!
To: Opera Baby
Why: Because the baby sings about poop. I've seen it before but still it's hilarious. Thanks to Unkie Jerry for the site.