Friday, January 08, 2010

I know its been awhile but I'd like to bring back the some second grade journal goodness for you...

Mealworm Saga Part V
(you can search for parts I-IV to get best effect)

1. One of my mealworms are about an inch.
2. If you put a mealworm on your hand it will tickl.
3. Do they biet?
4. Are they black bettles?

So many questions. Will nine year old Colleen get to the bottom of it? Tune in next time.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

After every shower I notice there is a decent amount of hair that comes off my head. My hair is pretty thin and as it's getting longer I spot those straggling pieces on my shirt. As much as some would jest, I do shower on a daily basis. Now I'll be the first to admit I'm no good at math but the law of averages tells me that the number of hairs coming out of my head can fall out quicker than new ones growing in.

It's only a matter of time before I'll need a wig. That or I'll just magic marker my head. I'm sure no one will notice.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Since returning to work I have been displaying my recent clothing purchases courtesy of the holiday. Personally I always act like I have no money so I only really spend it on the basics like food and entertainment. I'm still kind of amazed I make money doing work after interning for free.

So when I buy clothes and add them to the closet it forces me to clean out things I don't wear or need. I find it rather amusing that the clothes you wore before the new fun clothes suddenly seem lame. Sorry old favorite shirt but there's a new sheriff in town and he's way more fun to hang out with; he's got an in-ground pool plus jacuzzi. Don't be sad I'm sure a Salvation Army shopper will buy you and make you feel special again.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Now that it's 2010 I'm unsure how to properly abbreviate it, as saying the entire thing takes up five syllables. I don't have time for that. Yet everything I got seems awkward.

1. '010
2. the ten
3. the tens

Number three has a limited shelf life since it's not useful after 12 as it becomes teens. Perhaps tweens? Maybe during this time we'll all surcome to the power of the Edward Twilight T-shirt and Jonas Brothers CDs.

Monday, January 04, 2010

And I'm back in LA. It managed to start snowing again the morning I was leaving causing me to get Post Tramatic Stress flashbacks. Thankfully took off A-OK. Though I did't realize when I booked the ticket how many stops it involved. Damn you Southwest and your cheap fares with a billion stops and lay overs! You don't even have TVs, how am I supposed to entertain myself? Read?! Gross.

So Colleen's travels back to LA included the following:

1. Long Island to Baltimore. I made a non-crazy or annoying airplane friend. We both got to experience the WORST landing of our lives as the plane significantly rocked from side to side on the entire decent. As per usual, I was convinced I was going to die. The two of us enjoyed some food and then hit up a store called "AMERICA!" According to this store America = sailboats and assorted T-shirts. Turns out Baltimore pretends to be like DC. There were plently of offensive politically themed/racist t-shirts to be found. I for one couldn't resist purchasing a mini growing President Obama. You know the drill - drop in water and watch the CHANGE! Get it? I assume they usually make these as white people because he looks like he's in black face.

2. Baltimore to Kentucky. Sat in the first row with tons of leg space but no storage allowed by your feet so I put my laptop under my jacket. So badass! Also noticed the flight attendent put in fake buck teeth with braces while doing the boring exits are located here routine.

3. Kentucky to LA. Stayed on the plane. Forced myself to write as young man sitting next to me rocked out to air drum and guitar solos. Listened to Michael Jackson on iPod as we landed. Take that FAA! I'm a rebel!

Then I got to wait about a half hour to get my checked bag. I'm telling you, we need to figure out this teleporting jazz ASAP. Scientists listen up! I'll allow you to stop your work on creating lightsabers to focus on this.