Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DAY 8: The Ocho

- In the morning I went for a run with Paco out to the lighthouse again. Living dangerously with no pepper spray. Halfway there my hip started acting up again and I knew...they are sucking out my energy!

- Before leaving the town I wanted to pick up a six pack of Sol since it's the beer of choice for Suzi and Phil. It was the least I could do for becoming their de-facto daughter for the week. Little did I know the act of kindness would become a test of patience, that I basically failed. You see the clerk took FOR-EV-VER. And I don't mean over a minute. I was there at the counter, no line, just her, the six pack, a calculator, and a piece of paper. I stood there. "How much?" I could see the car outside and it was only a matter of time before it started honking. Slowly she lifts a pricing chart. She then counts the number of bottles in the six pack. She then punching numbers into the calculator. I expect to hear a number. NOPE. "I have to leave, people are waiting on me." She checks the chart again, counting the bottles. I hear the honk. I'm trying to do something nice and she's totally ruining it. Finally I said, "C'mon, how much?!" Then she just guessed. "100 pesos." I throw the money down, and peace right the EFF out before I punch her mouth off. Later on I realized I definitely overpaid.

- On the road again and since we are towing a camper we are naturally the fat kid in the race but that's what our radios were for - so if they can't see you, we can call them. Phil noticed the battery light coming on. It was over charging or something, I dunno, I'm a girl. He radios to let the group know we are stopped. Silence. In Baja, no one can hear you scream...He decides it's not that big of a deal. We keep going.

- Cows cross the highway at their leisure. I'm a cow, what are you gonna do, hit me? You can wait.

- We hit another military checkpoint. At this time I'm feeling more confident in my Spanish so I engage in conversation with them. I understood most of it, but once they go off the usual questions of - "where are you from, where are you going," and the classic flirty line: "you know Spanish?" I get a little confused and make my best guess at their question. I thought the guy asked how long we were on the road but the look on face told me I was wrong. We tried again. Same result only with more pointing. "Lo siento, no comprendo." Spanish Fail.

- Called my mom and she spoke with Suzi, who got a big kick out of her Lawg Island accent. They briefly bonded over their shared love of Rod Stewart. Is anyone shocked by this? I've never met a mom who doesn't love him. It's like meeting a Long Islander who hates Billy Joel. It's blastphany.

- We stop at a gas station. A little boy holds up a rack of bracelets at Phil. He says no but says he should talk to the senorita in the car. I thank Phil as the kid starts his emotional blackmail on me, excitedly holding up his stuff, "Please!" I wave him off. His face falls. A minute goes by. I make the mistake of looking over, the kid capitalizes on it. "Please..." I jokingly mock him, "Por Favor..." He smiles. He's so adorable and like 10 years old. Dammit, I'm gonna do this aren't I? I wave him over. Fine, c'mere. And it's basically Christmas morning. Three bracelets later, I'm being asked to choose one more so he can give me change. That kid is a hustler.

- Quick lunch stop. Ordered too much food? Ask the poor girl to help finish it. Free quesadilla, yes please!

- We arrive at "the hotel with The Gardens." I went for a walk around and at one point just stared off into an empty field across the street. It was very indie movie of me. So deep...

- I was also VERY tempted to steal one of these oranges...

- In the late afternoon while everyone got their self served happy hour wine on, Phil went to get the car fixed. We figured it was too late in the day for anything to get done. But lo and behold he returned, not grumpy for having to overpay for this and that which he didn't need, but essentially high - on life. He went to some random hole in the wall (seen below), where there was little language overlap, and got car fixed within an hour for 40 bucks. 40 bucks!

- We all go out to eat, hitting up happy hour and once again I can't say no to chips! The waiter Elardo tells me I have pretty eyes and from then on whenever I need a refill - I get it. Got hot sauce? Here's 5 choices. Works every time.

- A Mariachi comes to the table. I don't know most of what he's singing except, oh, that one is from the Kill Bill Vol. 2 soundtrack! I mumble my way through it. Impressed?

- In order to feel better about over eating at dinner I decide to play a little soccer in the parking lot, AKA juggling in the dark. Turns out, it's aReal hard, especially when your only light source is a street lamp...and you might still be a little buzzed...

- Upon returning to the camper Phil admits he's gay for Paco. Knowing there's no way anything more amusing will be said, I turn in for the night, boarding the sleepy train by 8:30pm.