Thursday, December 20, 2001

For the honor of Ms.Hance (who may visit this very site tonight, if she can unlock the mystery of technology) I shall tell you about the ever exciting Magical Elves.

Did ya'll hear 'bout dem Magical Elves yet? Well, all you gots to do is find a picture of one (your best bet is to have a friend draw a picture, you can't draw your own, it doesnt work that way). So once you got yourself a picture, place it in front of you. Stare into the eyes for a moment (to capture the magic). Then you must WILL the elf off the paper. This procedure can become long and tedious if you don't know what you're doing. To will them out, think of Elf Land and the type of things your elf has, or would like to have. Each elf is different though, so if your friend gets his/hers to come out, dont try to cheat and do what they did. Once you guess right....POOF! Out he comes to grant all the wishes your lil heart desires.
(no gaurantee that you're eld won't turn evil. Life expectency: 6months-3yrs)

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