Friday, February 08, 2002

Today I have a nice story for yall about the Phrase O the Week (various cheers from studio audience). Ok here we go...
Yesterday while riding in Dan's backseat with the ever so elegant Liz I spotted the word "Yum" that was placed on the ash tray thing with 3 seperate letter stickers. I looked at it, then ran my eyes up and down liz and said "yum" as if to pick her up. We shared a laugh about it after she did the same to me after seeing the "one way" sign. Then I made an EXCELLENT whole explaination to "yum" which went alittle something like this:

Guy(awkwardly): Can I taste...test...your...cake? I dont mean that YOU are a fatting cake, your low fat. And I would like just a piece not the whole thing..

To this Liz added:

So in conclusion, (hand motion as if bringing the word to you) "YUM."

Congrats to Liz and her ability to make my abs get a work out. Good for you.

And to top off this lovely Friday, even though it doesnt feel like a friday, let's do something crazy like a Random Word Looked Up in the Dictionary (there must be a shorter thing to call that):

furrier: one who prepares or deals in fur (i.e.: the cops just arrested a fur dealer)
**I assume fur dealin' is illegal**

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