Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Now imagine the future of shoes. Nike already is making crazy lookin shoes so I figure in 20 years they will develop the first invisible shoe. You know all the kids will want it. And the rich kids will make fun of those with those stupid old shoes. And the poor less educated children will figure, well I could always pretend I have invisible shoes on...how could they tell the difference? So the poor kids go to school with their socks on and start showing off their new invisible shoes to the rich kids. But the rich kids know its not real and make him walk on lava to prove it. As a result of his injuries, the poor kid dies. And in conclusion, invisible shoes should not be made. As cool as they would be, they are like satan's panties. Pretty to look at but should never be worn because of their capacity to destroy the world.

Here are some more tips for life:
Don't go to school
Take drugs
Never drink milk
Drinking and driving is ok
Teenage pregnancy is cool

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