Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Today myself and a friend who can only be called Pimp, decided to take into consideration this week of multicultures. Now we are both fairly decent human beings, we know from right and wrong, but today we danced near that line. I thought it would be rather funny if you went up to people who were not just in general ugly in appearance but ugly as a person (I.E.- sluts, annoying people, dirtbags, morons, mean people...etc) and went "EWW!" out loud to them but they wouldnt realize it was directed at them, they would simply think it was part of a conversation you were having with a friend, in this case that's Pimp. So we preceeded to shout various types of EW!'s at people we found to be ugly people (again this was not based on looks...thats just mean).

I encourage you all to try it. Especially during Multicultural week when we are taught to not judge people and give them all a chance. Chance Shance, I say. You see someone you don't like shout EWWW! If they ask if you did it at them, say "no, I was thinking about the time my friend ate poo."


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