Monday, April 29, 2002

Sometimes I try to be different a little too much. I get annoyed when I fall into the norms of emotions and the times that "everyone goes through." I dont want to go through what everyone else does. I want to be super human. Being a perfectionest is really starting to wear me away. How can I have perfection when there is nothing left?

[Shakes fist at Life]

Anyway, I woke up this morning in total confusion. I had no idea why my alarm was set. And then the realization sunk in, with a! Freakin mondays. If only I went to bed before eleven something, the whole tired issue wouldnt be an issue. I would have wonderful bounds of sleep and wake up refreshed. But you see there are these things called TV and internet. These things call to me and I always answer (it would be rude not to) and then I have problems leaving. But I can't get rid of it cuz I can't live without it. There is no life without entertaining technology. I think it's taking over my brain and eventually I'll never want to sleep. How terrible.

I love this song: Baba O'Reilly by The Who
You might remember this little ditty from the American Beauty Movie Trailer or not depending on your memory...

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