Sunday, February 23, 2003

Mo' Story:

So finally when the day arrived they all got into Mr. T’s A-Team van and drove to Hollywood. Mr. T had an AT&T commercial to shoot so it was on the way. The whole ride he kept giving Tori advice to stay in school, drink her milk, and don’t take drugs.

When they arrived, Macgyver escorted her out and down the red carpet. He was there not just as a friend, but as a bodyguard. The whole time he kept a look out for any danger. The he noticed that her snap bracelet was keeping time. But when he looked closer he saw that it was counting down. He had seen this before on his self titled action packed show - Macgyver. He had to stop the bomb, where ever it was. And he had less than three minutes to do it.

He scouted around, and listened for a tic of a bomb. He looked over to where Joan Rivers was standing; she was getting her finishing touches on her make up. It was then that he noticed a tic and he followed the sound. He ran through the crowd of stars and to Joan Rivers’ camera crew. It was there, by the microphones, that he saw the bomb. It was attached to the bottom of the microphone labeled, “Tori Spelling’s microphone.”

At this point he had a minute left. He didn’t come prepared so he did what he does best – use random objects to save the day. So he used his wrist watch, a complimentary mint toothpick, and the chewy caramel center of a milk dud. With seconds remaining he diffused the bomb and saved the day.

End Part 4

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