Friday, April 02, 2004

So last Tues I walked into Culture and Media noticing the teacher was handing out something that looked like a test, but thought it couldnt be bc I totally forgot and wasn't ready to take this test. But it was.

I debated whether or not I should just leave, or try my luck. I tried it. I did well on the 5 mult choice but I dodged many parts to the essay question because I didnt know the difference between a more and a folktale in social terms OR what the word subversive meant. I was embarassed for my sub-par argument which I made up on the spot.

All this week I have been dreading getting the test back with curious anticipation thinking maybe there was a chance I did well on it.

I got it back Thursday. Before the teacher handed it to me I said, "this outta be interesting because I forgot all about this test."

I looked at the grade. Cartoon double take with boing sound. It was the best grade I got so far in this class.

So I study and I get a B, I dont and somehow in my incoherent rambling I get an A.
Say wha?

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