Friday, December 04, 2009

Back in the day, when I twas a young lass in elementary school my parents used to pack my lunches. No brown bag. No themed metal lunchbox, but a soft velcro thermal lined concoction with assorted colors. You can imagine how cool I was.

Now at the time I was semi annoyed I didn't get Yoo-Hoo (which you can drink in 2 seconds -there is NOTHING in those things), or any of the other bad for you snacks. An apple?! How am I supposed to get early onset diabetes with that?! Ridiculous...

On occasion my parents would give me some snack money for Hot Fries. I LOVED those things. All the kids used to dare each other to eat a whole bag without anything to drink. I totally did it.

Now for all my home made lunches which lasted through my senior year (thank you mom!), I do remember that on Friday's I'd get money for the pizza bagel. It was A-mazing. There was a crazy amount of cheese on these things and the bagel was semi soggy but somehow it was the best thing in the world. I'm sure there is some gov't lunch organization that has all of them stored up. I needs me a business plan to start up a shop. Then I'll create a gimmic food completition so it's featured on Man V. Food. Then I can be rich and fraud a whole bunch of people.

My end game would be to have a pool full of money that I can swim in like Scrooge McDuck.


Anonymous said...

SBC strikes again!!! Faja

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're welcome! Glad you remember WHERE you got all that coolness from...........Maja