Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Recently I've been able to work from home. This has been "baller" as the kids would say. Translation: awesome.

Basically I get to sleep in, wear my PJs all day if I so desire, watch The Wire, and bake a ton of tasty treats from the array of cookbooks I got for Christmas.

Today I made apple cinnamon muffins, mini blueberry/pomegranate/orange scones, AND apple cinnamon granola. I tried to post pictures but the site was being lame times a million and won't let me. Another sign that technology is starting to think for itself, or perhaps it was a glitch in the Matrix?

ANYWAY - It's official, I'm no longer impressed by bakers. Watch out Martha Stewart because I will cut a bitch. After which I'll sit her down to try these wonders and then she'll understand why I did it.

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