Thursday, January 27, 2011

So yeah, it's back. From the dead? I hope not. Though I think I am somewhat prepared for a zombie apocalypse, I def can't handle zombie spiders. That's like my nightmare. Seriously.

This morning I awoke and began getting ready. Upon fixing my bed so it wasn't a blatant hot mess, I spied with my little eyes another damn spider! Right by my pillow, SO not cool. This one was the same basic shape but slightly smaller. Makes me think I might have killed her husband and she's out for revenge a la some Lifetime Movie. Either that or it's the child of the one I killed. I image it to be much like Princess Bride, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die."


For the record, I did say sorry before killing the other one. But the worst part is, I ran over to the bathroom to grab a tissue, decided that wasn't enough, and opted for a paper towel under the sink - make that two...Upon returning to the bed, it was gone. Poof!

I moved the bed, pulled back the curtain, carefully checked the surrounding area. Nothing. I wasn't gone that long for it to fully disappear and I know I wasn't hallucinating. Then I spotted a cause for concern. Along the side of the box spring is a quarter sized rip which I never noticed because it faced the wall. Does the spider live INSIDE my bed?! File this thought under "Not Great."

All I know is I hope if it does crawl on me at night I remain asleep and perhaps even accidentally eat it like they say you do. That way I don't have to deal with it when I'm awake. Yet if I sleep eat it I wouldn't know it was really gone and it will probs still haunt my dreams. Either way I'm sure over the course of the next week I'll be waking up in a fit, swatting at my face when anything grazes me.

You win, spider. You win.

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